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By admin
Spare a thought for those responsible for managing the health and safety of those working on construction sites or of installers of telecommunication or CCTV systems, away from the comfort of an office. Working outdoors in the rain or snow makes it challenging to carryout site audits using the traditional pen and paper approach. If employees work primarily on site, it can be difficult to share health and safety documentation such as the company health and safety policy, risk assessments and training manuals. Carrying out accident investigations and gathering important documentation on site to defend potential claims can also be particularly difficult.
SafetyBox was designed to help overcome the challenges of managing health and safety on the go. The cloud-based software can be used on a desktop PC or on the go using a smartphone of tablet. The features were informed by our extensive experience of advising hundreds of clients for over 20 years. We listened to our clients and combined this with our work for major insurers to develop software that makes life easier for those responsible for managing health and safety, while minimizing the risk of claims.
SafetyBox has done away with soggy paper checklists stuffed into the van door, as site health and safety audits can be completed easily and quickly using a smartphone or tablet. Photos and video can be uploaded and actions created through SafetyBox. Vital information about near misses and accidents can be gathered without the need for completing traditional paper accident reports which then have to be forwarded to the office. This increases the chance of important information such as witness statements getting damaged or lost in transit. If a claim is made up to three years from the date of the accident, what are chances that photos taken on site can still be traced?
In addition to storing the company health and safety documents such as Risk Assessments/Method Statements (RAMS), Construction Phase Plans, SafeContractor/Constructionline/CHAS Certificates, our clients also use the cloud-based SafetyBox document portal for issuing their site-based engineers and technicians all the relevant technical information they need, which they can access easily on their smartphone rather than having to carry folders and files. In response to client requests, SafetyBox features include the ability to easily capture and maintain training records for site-based employees. This means that any training such as site inductions or toolbox talks delivered on a construction site or roadside can be easily recorded without the need for paper training records.
Get in touch:
If you would like to know how SafetyBox can help you, please get in touch with us on 01527 833834 or info@sentinelsafety.co.uk
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